Thursday, June 26

Thom wins

His hookah arrived today. My button maker comes tomorrow.

I now have everything to make the baby shower food. I also stopped at Hobby Lobby and picked up a candy mold and some dark chocolate mint wafers to make baby themed chocolates as favors. I've been looking everywhere for cute favor boxes, and I finally found some I liked in the wedding favor section. I thought they looked fancy and nice, not like most of the baby ones that have some weird rattle drawings and things. I used a blue ribbon around each to make them look a little more baby boy themed.
I've made candy lots of times before. It's super easy.. First, you just melt the wafers (30 seconds at a time, you don't want to burn the chocolate because it's super gross if you do). So, melt, stir, melt, stir, melt and that's usually all it takes. Then, just spoon it into the molds. It won't be flat and perfect looking until you tap the edges of the mold and the chocolate settles. Then, pop it in the fridge for about 20 minutes or until the chocolate starts to look frosty through the mold. Put down some wax paper and pop the chocolates out onto it. If you have little weird edges, just break off the excess and you can smooth it out with a clean, dry finger. Easy enough!

I'm going to make some of these for the Stelabird birthday party too if I can find a cute mold. I was hoping to find a small cupcake shaped mold to use, but I haven't had any luck with that yet.

Oh, and I spent the morning at Leslie's, having our pool water tested and coming up with the "prescription" to fix it. $296 later, I hope we have everything to treat it. Pool ownership sucks.

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