Monday, June 16


The Swaporamarama was a blast. Tara and I got to sort out all of the donated fabrics shortly after arriving at Struble Studios on Saturday. We both found some really neat fabrics and after things were sorted and people started arriving, we did some cute projects. A few of the OKEtsy girls (Claudia and Sara) were also at the Swaporamarama making and giving away tshirt totes. It was awesome to see the diverse ages and people types working together making things and creating together. Here are a variety of pictures from Saturday's events.

Here is the pile of fabric I ended up with.. at first. It kept growing.

Thanks so much to Kelli and Stephanie for organizing this. You girls rock!

Yeah, the middle picture is a braid of hair that Tara pulled out of one of the donation bags. Real, or not??

Tara made an "abstract" giraffe with on the embroidery machines that were at the Swaporamarama.

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